Halloween Coming Up.

Halloween is coming up, and Abby and I just worked out our costumes. We are going to do " The Little Red Riding Hood" story. Abby is going to be the wolf, and I will be the Little Red Riding Hood. We wanted to do something together, so we picked that one. It's a nice, cute story. 

I also want Ria to be the wolf but dressed as the grandma.😂That would be super funny! But I probably won't do that. 

I only need two things, so I bought this on Amazon for my costume:

I didn't want to get a red dress because my dad said it would be too red. Plus, it would look a lot better with a different dress. I actually love the dress that I got. It said it would be coming in on the 18th or 20th. So when I have everything for my costume I will make another blog post about it. 

Sophie is going to be Goldilocks. We bought her a yellow dress, and it's actually coming in today! So, hopefully, it will fit and look great! And that's all she needs for her costume. It's a super cute dress. Here it is:

Uncle Mark Staying With Us

Our other uncle, Mark, has been staying with us for about four days but will leave this Friday to go home. He lives in Florida and apparently loves to play pickleball! So far, we've played pickleball with him two times, including last night! He's super good at it and a lot of fun to play with. He will always go for the corners of the court if we aren't there. So I always have to remind myself about that part. And that's actually how he usually wins. I already can't wait to play with him again. 

It's also his first time meeting Ria. I was really hoping she would like him and not be afraid of him like Ezra. At first, Ria was skittish, but after five minutes, my uncle was giving her belly rubs! 😂 I guess she likes everyone except Ezra, which is sad unless she's just acting scared of him to get treats.

Uncle Mark also has a really nice rental car! It has a new car smell and super clean white seats. I forgot what type of car it was, but I only know that it is super nice, clean, drives smoothly, feels, and looks new. And has super cool wheels. Last night, we got to ride in it on the way to pickleball. It was amazing!

My uncle looks like my brother Gideon so much! It's crazy. Like they have the exact same face! So whenever I look at him I'm reminded of Gideon. 

I'm having a lot of fun with Uncle Mark! I'm going to be so sad when he has to leave.

Nicks New House!

About a month ago, my brother Nicholas bought a house in Cottonwood. He wanted to renovate it, so he is going to put in a couple of doors, take some walls down, redo the floors, and then paint everything. But so far, it's been going great! I'm also very surprised I haven't talked about it in another blog post yet, so I am sorry for that. 

My uncle David has been staying at our house for about two or three weeks already, working on Nick's house since he's a painter. I think he's leaving next week or something, which will be sad. But he's been painting a lot, and I think he might be done soon. I'm not sure yet. 

I can't wait to see what his house will look like after everything is done!! Right now, it looks like a tornado has happened. 😂 So I took a pic and video of what it looks like right now so I can compare it to when it's all done and beautiful! I just can't wait. 

He also has a beautiful green backyard with a big tree in the middle and rocks around it. The backyard also has a lot of different types of fruit trees growing, even some pomegranates. It's amazing because he can have a dog now because everything is fenced off. I'm really excited about that, too!😁I could even take Ria there for dog playdates with Nick's dog. Lol. 

Here are some pictures and a video of the house in progress:

I Got Into Chamber Choir!!

I am really happy that I was able to get into chamber choir! Here's how the choir went on Tuesday:

When I got there, I saw so many new choir kids who weren't there last Tuesday. I even saw my old choir friend Sophie Shearmen! The Garza girls were not there because they got sick, so I was afraid of not having anyone to talk to, but I was wrong, thankfully. I even made a new friend named Candice. She's super sweet and easy to talk to. We were sitting next to each other, and we were both nervous about auditioning for the chamber. But she said she had done this before, so she wasn't as nervous as I was. 

So after choir, we all used the restroom, and then it was time for the auditions! 

Candice and I are both sopranos, so we got to sit next to each other, which was nice. 

Mrs.Dummer said that Candice and I would go first and echo her in her singing. I was super glad that we weren't going to sing by ourselves but as duos instead. So we sang a bit, and then Mrs.Dummer had everybody else do the same thing. Then she had us sing Amazing Grace all together while she and Mrs.Brown ( also another music teacher ) went around the room listening to our voices. It was honestly nerve-racking because it felt like we were in the army as they kept walking back and forth between us. 😂 And Mrs.Dummer had a yellow piece of paper scoring our singing. 

Then, it was time to go home. She told us that she would text us who would be making it in the chamber choir. And I just found out yesterday that I will be making it!!! I honestly thought I wouldn't make it in because there were a lot more better singers. But I guess I did! I am super happy about it because I think Candice also made it in!! It said on the piece of paper that Candice Moore is doing chamber choir, so I hope her last name is Moore. I will ask her on Tuesday if it is. 

But yeah, I am just so happy and excited about it!

My First Day of Choir! (Sept 3rd 2024)

I had my first day of choir last Tuesday, September 3rd! I was really nervous and excited about it because I wanted to audition for the chamber choir, and I wasn't sure if she wanted us to audition that very day or not. So yeah, I was terrified. 

My mom and I went to Starbucks, a thrift store, and then choir. We had to check me in at a couple of the tables, and then I was all set to be in the choir. I had about fifteen minutes to kill, so I saw the Garza girls, and we ran to the park and back. (The park is right next to the building.) 

Then, it was time for the choir to begin. 

It was actually a lot of fun! She didn't have us audition that day, but since so many kids wanted to audition for the chamber choir, she told us to send her a video of us singing either "Amazing Grace" or " My Country Tis Of Thee." And then, the following Tuesday, she will have some of us audition face-to-face. I haven't sent her a video yet, but I will today. We just have to get the video in by Saturday. And today is Friday. So I am already scared about next Tuesday. I honestly won't be sad if I don't get the part because then I won't have to audition face-to-face. I think......👀

Most of the time, Mrs.Dummer was explaining the rules and other things about the choir, so technically, next Tuesday should be our actual choir rehearsal. But we did sing a bit too at the end. We did a two-part harmony on doxology, which was really nice. And two other songs. 

It's weird; for some reason, whenever I'm at Costco with my mom, I always see choir people—like almost every time! Costco has become my favorite place to be because there's always someone I know there, the delicious samples, the size, and the big food court. I also like the dollar store. I just realized I am getting very distracted by talking about different stores. 😂

Well, anyway, I'll make another blog post about how the auditions went. 
